Logo of Void Studio

We're Void Studio.

We create software that make your users 'wow!'

At Void Studio, we seamlessly blend innovation, efficiency and expertise to not just meet but exceed your expectations. Simply put, we specialize in delivering cutting-edge digital solutions. If you crave shipping speed combined with peak performance and stunning design in your software, you're in the right hands.

What we do

Web apps

Web apps

Bring your business vision to life! We specialize in constructing the features you need, using our proficiency in creating fast and reliable web applications.

UI/UX design

UI/UX design

Elevate your digital presence with our UI/UX expertise. We combine aesthetics and functionality to create visually stunning, intuitively designed interfaces.

Blockchain & dApps

Blockchain & dApps

Our hands-on experience, expertise in decentralized technologies, Specializing in working with decentralized founders makes us your trusted guide into the future of Web3.



Immerse in innovation with our AI development expertise! We specialize in crafting intelligent systems that adapt, learn, and make informed decisions, tailoring solutions to propel your business forward.

Technologies we work with

Or, our expertise

logo of technology Javscriptlogo of technology Typescriptlogo of technology Python3logo of technology Golanglogo of technology Soliditylogo of technology Elixirlogo of technology React or React Nativelogo of technology Next JSlogo of technology Astrologo of technology Solid JSlogo of technology Svelte/SvelteKitlogo of technology Expologo of technology Node JS & Expresslogo of technology Fastifylogo of technology Chakra UIlogo of technology Tailwind CSSlogo of technology CSS 3logo of technology Nest JSlogo of technology tRPClogo of technology Djangologo of technology Dockerlogo of technology Prisma ORMlogo of technology Postgresqllogo of technology MongoDB/Mongooselogo of technology Redislogo of technology Planetscalelogo of technology AWS Cloud Platformlogo of technology Bitcoin chainlogo of technology Ethereum blockchainlogo of technology Polygon blockchainlogo of technology Solana chainlogo of technology Celo chainlogo of technology Hardhatlogo of technology Adobe XDlogo of technology Adobe After Effectlogo of technology Figma

Meet the Team

Sanviraj Zahin Haque
Sanviraj Zahin Haque
Co-Founder & CEO
Rafe Samnan Rahee
Rafe Samnan Rahee
Co-Founder & CTO
Plabon Kumar Saha
Plabon Kumar Saha
Co-Founder & COO
BM Fahad Amin Shovon
BM Fahad Amin Shovon
Lead Software Engineer
Sihan Tawsik
Sihan Tawsik
Lead Backend Engineer
Afia Anjum Tamanna
Afia Anjum Tamanna
Lead Frontend Engineer
Shahbaj Shafin Haque
Shahbaj Shafin Haque
Founding Software Engineer
Siha Hoque
Siha Hoque
Business Analyst

Get started right now!

Landing site

in less than 72 hours

Starting at



8/10 seats available *


in less than a month

Starting at


1/3 seats available *

Web app

in less than three months

Starting at


1/2 seats available *

Abstract icon for founders message

Why us?

  • Blazing Fast Development
  • Solutions Tailored to your needs
  • High Quality Software
  • Transparent Billing
  • Clear Communication Lines

Founder's message

In a world saturated with digital solutions, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available. At Void Studio, we stand out from the crowd by embracing a unique vision that sets us apart from the rest.

At Void Studio, we're driven by a passion for innovation and efficiency. We believe that it's not enough to simply create software; it also has to be delivered fast and be able to seamlessly integrate into your business processes. That's why we take a holistic approach to every project, ensuring that our solutions not only meet your technical requirements but also exceed your expectations.

If you're looking for a partner who will go above and beyond to create software that truly makes a difference, then look no further than Void Studio. We're committed to helping you achieve your business goals through innovative, efficient, and user-friendly digital solutions

Founder & CEO

Zahin Haque

Founder & CEO

Oh, the process?

It's simple!


Understanding & Discovery

We start with your wants and figure out your needs a.k.a. exactly what you are trying to build and how we can help you do it. We engage in detailed discussions to comprehend your business, goals, customer dynamics, and competitive landscape.


Design & Feedback

After understanding of your business needs, we initiate a prototype phase. Crafting a prototype, we present it to you for feedback and improve upon it until it serves your requirements. creating a process we like to call “fail fast, fix often”


Development & Testing

With an approved design in place, we start the development phase. During which via leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we construct a secure, fast and scalable solution. You are kept in the loop every step of the way while we develop the correct software for you.


Deployment & Maintenance

Once we are done with the development and testing, we deploy the solution to a production environment. We also make sure that the solution is secure and optimized for performance.

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